MACTE, spol. s.r.o.


Macte entered the market in 1992 offering quality workwear, protective clothing and gear. Their assortment today  includes wide range of goods from  designing customised workwear to textile made containers and boxes made from woven and nonwoven materials. For clients that require above standard services we rent and loan workwear with complete services.



We  cooperate with respected businesses both locally and internationally and in all our activies our top priority is to address the needs and requirements of our clients at a high quality of goods and services.

Due to ever increasing demand from our clients for a comprehensive solution to storage and usage of work tools and other stock, we have expanded our services to include a line of automated dispensing machines MACTEvend.

To meet the demands of decreasing costs arising from logistics and production we now offer a wide range of dispensing machines specifically designed to meet the needs and demands of customers.

Main benefits

  • Redukce spotřeby skladových položek
  • Non stop přístup 24 hodin
  • Úspora personálních a logistických nákladů
  • Optimalizace skladových zásob
  • Variabilita použití, snadná rozšířitelnost
  • Zrychlení skladových pohybů
  • Komunikace s ERP systémy, RDIF
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